02 June 2007

home to me

much of the love/hate relationship i have with my little hometown is the fact that i can't go anywhere without seeing someone i know. when my brother and sisters and i go into town, we make bets on how many people we'll run into that we know. of course, it's a scientific figure, based on the number of places we have to stop, how long we plan to be there, as well as the time of year and time of day. but it never fails; we ALWAYS see someone we know.

i had to laugh to myself when i ran into a 4th grade teacher i know the other day in kohl's. the next day, i grabbed a bite to eat at tropical smoothie and one of my 5th grade students came in with his father. the following day, a mom of one of my students came in to kohl's. and tonight i saw a 1st grade teacher i worked with. clearly, knoxville has become my hometown. i sure will miss it.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

we were at wal-mart the other day and bill wanted us to play a game so we each had to guess how many jbc students we would see. he guessed 9. i guessed 4 (it was really late). grand total-11 students, 9 staff. i was way off. but yeah, knoxville's just a small town dressed up like a big one.